185 research outputs found

    Elaboration d'entrepôts de données complexes

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    National audienceIn this paper, we study the data warehouse modelling used in decision support systems. We provide an object-oriented data warehouse model allowing data warehouse description as a central repository of relevant, complex and temporal data. Our model integrates three concepts such as warehouse object, environment and warehouse class. Each warehouse object is composed of one current state, several past states (modelling its detailed evolutions) and several archive states (modelling its evolutions within a summarised form). The environment concept defines temporal parts in the data warehouse schema with significant granularities (attribute, class, graph). Finally, we provide five functions aiming at defining the data warehouse structures and two functions allowing the warehouse class inheritance hierarchy organisation

    Towards Conceptual Multidimensional Design in Decision Support Systems

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    International audienceMultidimensional databases support efficiently on-line analytical processing (OLAP). In this paper, we depict a model dedicated to multidimensional databases. The approach we present designs decisional information through a constellation of facts and dimensions. Each dimension is possibly shared between several facts and it is organised according to multiple hierarchies. In addition, we define a comprehensive query algebra regrouping the more popular multidimensional operations in current commercial systems and research approaches. We introduce new operators dedicated to a constellation. Finally, we describe a prototype that allows managers to query constellations of facts, dimensions and multiple hierarchies

    Modélisation et manipulation de données historisées et archivées dans un entrepôt orienté objet

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    National audienceThis paper deals with temporal and archive object-oriented data warehouse modelling and querying. In a first step, we define a data model describing warehouses as central repositories of complex and temporal data extracted from one information source. The model is based on the concepts of warehouse object and environment. A warehouse object is composed of one current state, several past states (modelling value changes) and several archive states (summarising some value changes). An environment defines temporal parts in a warehouse schema according to a relevant granularity (attribute, class or graph). In a second step, we provide a query algebra dedicated to data warehouses. This algebra, which is based on common object algebras, integrates temporal operators and operators for querying object states. An other important contribution concerns dedicated operators allowing users to transform warehouse objects in temporal series as well as operators facilitating analytical treatments

    Analyse multigraduelle OLAP

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    National audienceDecisional systems are based on multidimensional databases improving OLAP analyses. The paper describes a new OLAP operator named « BLEND » to perform multigradual analyses. The operation transforms multidimensional structures during querying in order to analyse measures according to various granularity levels, which are reorganised into a single parameter. We study valid combinations of the operation in the context of strict hierarchies. First experimentations implement the operation in an R-OLAP framework showing the slight cost of this operation

    Construction graphique d'entrepôts et de magasins de données

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    National audienceNowadays, decisional systems have became a significant research topic in databases. Data warehouses and data marts are the main elements of such systems. This paper presents our decisional support system. We present graphical interfaces which help the administrator to build data warehouses and data marts. We present a data warehouse building interface based on an object-oriented conceptual model. This model allows the warehouse data historisation at three levels: attribute, class and environment. Also, we present a data mart building interface which allows warehouse data to be reorganised through a multidimensional object-oriented model

    Analysis Framework for Reduced Data Warehouse

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    International audienceOur aim is to define a framework supporting analysis in MDW with reductions. Firstly, we describe a modeling solution for reduced MDW. A schema of reduced MDW is composed of states. Each state is defined as a star schema composed of one fact and its related dimensions valid for a certain period of time. Secondly, we present a multi-state analysis framework. Extensions of classical drilldown and rollup operators are defined to support multi-states analyses. Finally we present a prototype of our framework aiming to prove the feasibility of concept. By implementing our extended operators, the prototype automatically generates appropriate SQL queries over metadata and reduced data

    Modélisation et extraction de données pour un entrepôt objet

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    National audienceThis paper describes an object-oriented model for designing complex and time-variant data warehouse data. The main contribution is the warehouse class concept, which extends the class concept by temporal and archive filters as well as a mapping function. Filters allow the keeping of relevant data changes whereas the mapping function defines the warehouse class schema from a global data source schema. The approach take into account static properties as well as dynamic properties. The behaviour extraction is based on the use-matrix concept

    Personnalisation de bases de données multidimensionnelles

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    National audienceThis paper deals with decision support systems resting on multidimensional modelling of data. Moreover, we intend to offer a set of concepts and mechanisms for personalized multidimensional database specifications. This personalization consists in associating weights to different components of a multidimensional schema. Personalization specifications are specified through the use of a language based on the principle of Event Condition Action. This personalisation determines multidimensional data display as well as their analyses (with the use of drilling or rotating operations)
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